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Sean Mis Testigos [MP3 Album]
Published by RENEW International
Published by RENEW International
Sean Mis Testigos [MP3 Album]
Published by RENEW International
Published by RENEW International
Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation, "Evangelii Gaudium" ("The Joy of the Gospel"), calls for a joyful proclamation of the Gospel to the whole world. The songs in this playlist have been selected to help you explore the themes of the New Evangelization and what Pope Francis describes as the task of the missionary disciples. This list will help create a prayer environment for each meeting of Sean mis testigos: Formación para la Nueva Evangelización, a process produced by RENEW International.
The playlist was compiled by OCP in collaboration with RENEW and includes songs to enrich the prayer at the beginning of each Sean mis testigos meeting.
See the song list in Spanish